Monday 31 January 2011


Hello lovely friends, and whoever else might be reading this!!
I am now going to blag-a-blog. Apologies if it isn't a literary masterpiece, I am a fledgling blogger. AND I haven't slept in 30 hours.
So I'm here in Lima for a night before moving on to Trujillo, where I'll be working. Flight went smoothly, plane food not bad, and met lots of interesting people, including a woman from Honduras who has been living in Sweden for the last 30 years, who got confused at customs and was taken aside, then dragged me in too to translate for her (which I felt pretty chuffed about); a bunch of jamaicans including a guy whose brother plays Simba in the west ends lion king, true story. Then a far- too chatty Peruvian on my final flight who wanted to tell me allll his plans to open a motel, then literally told me his life story, how he immigrated illegally into the states, etc, while I stared zombily at him.
   Now am in Miraflores which is by far the nicest part of town, the rest of the city I saw was as I expected, a mix of really modern and developed buildings, next to crumbling ruins of others- driving down the sea front there were huge piles of rubble and sand and people camping out amongst it, then every few hundred metres there was a little childrens play area, according to the taxi driver they were starting developments but had to stop for a bit due to money issues- seems odd to start construction with the play parks! 
Meeting a lady called monica at some point today who has offered to show me a bit of the city, a random contact I made the day before I left!